October 26th was the DEA’s National Drug Take-Back Day and the event had an excellent turnout! For the state of Tennessee, over 26,000 total pounds of pills were collected. This included opioid prescription medication, over-the-counter medication, and most other drugs commonly found inside the medicine cabinet. Detailed below is a breakdown for the state and country.
Tennessee Statistics:
109 law enforcement
145 collection sites
26,263 pounds
Country-wide statistics:
6,174 collection sites
882,919 pounds
Drug take-back events are a great way to practice medication safety in your home and help to create safe habits with proper disposal. Take-back events are a great way to dispose of any addictive prescription medication that might end up in the wrong hands. Thank you for doing your part and participating in these events!
If you missed one of the take-back events or have more medications in need of disposal, you can use our drop box finder to find your closest permanent drop box to safely dispose of your medications.
Next drug take-back day: Saturday, April 25th, 2020