Thanks to our friends at DisposeRX, who donated some of their home disposal kits, we are excited to be hosting a #QuarantinePrevention social media challenge together!
Follow the rules below and your organization could win 100 packets of DisposeRx and a box of CLD goodies to provide to your community! We will pick 3 lucky winners!
We want you to show off how well you are still partnering with your community even as we practice social distancing. NOTE: Safety is our #1 concern, ask someone virtually to obtain pictures/videos if you do not feel comfortable going out.
– Connect with your local partners and ask them to take 3 separate picture or videos of themselves COUNTING, LOCKING and DROPPING their medication
– Post the picture/video to your Facebook, Instagram or Twitter
-Tag your community partner, Count It Lock It Drop It and DisposeRX
– Use #CountLockDrop and #QuarantinePrevention
This giveaway will last 3 weeks, one week dedicated to each part of Count It! Lock It! Drop It! Follow our social media for updates along the way! GOOD LUCK!