It’s time again for the next drug take-back! This fall, the event falls on Saturday, October 26th. This is the perfect time for you to clean out your medicine cabinets and get rid of any unwanted or expired medications to keep them out of the wrong hands. You’ll find below what is accepted and not accepted at a drug take-back.
Substances Accepted at Drug Take-Backs
- Unused or expired prescription medications
- Over-the-counter “solid dosage” medications (i.e. tablets and caplets)
Substances Not Accepted at Drug Take-Backs
- Illicit drugs, such as marijuana, heroin, and LDS
- Insulin syringes or other medical sharps and needles
- Asthma inhalers
- Iodine-containing medications
- Mercury-containing thermometers
This is a great opportunity to ensure a safe and reliable disposal of any unwanted or unneeded medications. Take-back events are a safe and controlled environment that encourages residents to drop off any medication that they need to dispose of. These events occur twice a year, once in the spring and once in the fall, and are part of the Drug Enforcement Administration’s National Take-Back Initiative.
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