The opioid addiction epidemic is a large and oftentimes overwhelming problem in Tennessee. You likely know someone who has become addicted to prescription medication. What you may not know is more than 55 percent of people that misuse prescription pills in 2014 got those pills from a friend or a relative, according to the Tennessee Department of Health. In some cases, those friends and relatives are aware of the painkiller misuse, but in other cases, they are not.
If you are concerned someone you know might be misusing your medication, there is a simple solution to protect your family and community. You should lock up all pain medications and store them in a private and secure place. You can purchase lock boxes at most pharmacies to secure your medicine and prevent your friends and relatives from accessing your pills.
If not used properly, prescription drugs can be as harmful and dangerous as illicit drugs such as heroin, so it is extremely important that you take preventative measures to ensure your medications are being stored properly.
Don’t become an accidental drug dealer. Lock up your medications!