Parents: It’s officially summertime, and we know what that means. Kids suddenly have a lot of free, unsupervised time on their hands, and you might already be worried about where they will be and what they’ll be up to. According to Bradford Health Services, drug use among adolescents increases during summer months. While it’s impossible […]
Drop It! Don’t Be An Accidental Drug Dealer
Sometimes, when people are being treated for pain, the pain ends before all of the prescribed pills are used. If you have leftover pills, what should you do with them? According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 60 people die every day in the U.S. from prescription drug overdoses. To […]
Lock It! Don’t Be An Accidental Drug Dealer
The opioid addiction epidemic is a large and oftentimes overwhelming problem in Tennessee. You likely know someone who has become addicted to prescription medication. What you may not know is more than 55 percent of people that misuse prescription pills in 2014 got those pills from a friend or a relative, according to the Tennessee […]
Count It! Don’t Be An Accidental Drug Dealer
Prescription drug misuse and addiction is a growing epidemic in the U.S., particularly in Tennessee. In 2014, Tennessee ranked fourth in the nation for overdose deaths, according to the CDC. Are your prescription drugs secure? Here are a few questions to answer: Do you have prescription pain medications in your home? Do you have children/teenagers […]
Family and Friends Main Source for Opioids
Opioid abuse is a nationwide epidemic, and Tennessee is one of the top states for overdose deaths. Count It! Drop It! Lock It!™ (CLD) is focused on educating Tennesseans on what they can do to help stop abusers from having easy access to opioids. CLD encourages all Tennesseans to count their pills, store them in […]
Opioid Abuse in Tennessee
For many of the millions of Americans caught in the growing scourge of opioid abuse, the outcome is far worse. And few places have been hit harder than Tennessee. The state said at least 1,263 Tennesseans died from opioid overdose in 2014, the most recent figure available and one that points to rampant abuse, misuse […]
Talk to Your Child About Drug Abuse
It’s never too early to discuss the use of drugs with your child. Even from teaching them healthy habits from ages 2–4, you can help prevent future drug abuse. Talking with your child can be as simple as a conversation at dinner. Addressing the issue can be difficult, but the main goal of the conversation […]